1. Compelling and aligned vision, mission, goals, values focused on a safe environment and high expectations
Stakeholders are engaged in creating and continually refining the campus’ mission, vision, and values.
Campus practices and polices demonstrate high expectations and shared ownership for student success.
Staff members share a common understanding of the mission, vision, and values in practice and can explain how they are present in the daily life of the school.
Regular campus climate surveys assess and measure progress on student and staff experiences.
Professional Development
Transformational Leadership Framework (VIP)
Transformational Leadership Academy is a year-long academy for Principals and Assistant Principals that will develop leaders and transform schools. Through learning strategies and protocols, participants will develop practical, action-focused planning for diagnosing school needs and implementing structures, systems and practices that accelerate student achievement. This will help prepare our next generation of principals and district leaders to improve student outcomes. Campus leaders are placed into Networks of Excellence that are strategically grouped based off of prior year campus performance. Leaders of campuses needing turnaround are placed with principals of high-performing campuses.
Multiple Measures of Data (VIP)
Multiple Measures of Data is a district-level training that provides on-site coaching and implementation support for campuses and districts. Participants will understand how data sets intersect in the areas of demographics, perceptions, student learning and school processes to provide a more vivid picture, leading to a more comprehensive root cause analysis and problem statements that lead to effective action. Participants also learn how to use, and receive coaching in, protocols to make data-driven decisions for an entire school system
Planning for Mastery (VIP)
Effective teachers plan with the end in mind. They examine the big picture and clearly identify what students need to know and be able to do and intentionally focus on outcomes that demonstrate proficiency. The TRS Planning for Mastery sessions provide an opportunity for educators to collaboratively plan each six weeks of instruction using the TEKS Resource System. Teachers engage in a half day of face-to-face professional development followed by a half day of implementation support each six weeks. Participants leave with a completed six weeks planning document aligned to local resources and share best practices for instructional delivery. The TEKS Resource System (TRS) “Planning for Mastery” is a series of face to face professional development and implementation support for districts and charter systems that use the TEKS Resource System to plan strong learning progressions per unit of instruction.
The Power of Mission (School Climate and Culture) (ESF AS)
Positive school culture requires a compelling and aligned vision and mission. Without a clear vision, campuses struggle to leverage their strengths toward a common goal. However, with a clear vision, there is an alignment of purpose and effort throughout the campus. Having a clear mission ensures that the campus team focuses on it’s day-to-day purpose without distractions. This 1-day training will focus on creating your school’s mission by defining your purpose and direction. Staff members will be able to share a common understanding of the mission and values in practice and will be able to explain how they are present in the daily life of the school.
Texas Instructional Leadership is a program that consists of a suite of trainings intended to foster continuous improvement by helping campus and district administrators grow concrete instructional leadership skills in the areas of observation and feedback, student culture, and data driven instruction. TIL trainings are aligned with many of the best practices described in the ESF.
Student Culture – 3.1, 3.3, 3.4